
11 World-Class Writing Professionals Reveal Their Writing Productivity Secrets

11 World-Class Writing Professionals Reveal Their Writing Productivity Secrets

Research papers suck to write. We get it. Every writer’s goal is to stay constantly productive, but can be a big challenge for many. There are thousands of suggestions out there ranging from writing on a daily basis under all circumstances to unplugging from the internet. There are even some schools that push for students to take naps to increase productivity. A lot of the articles on the internet are from non-professionals who are inexperienced writers. The bottom line is you need to find a routine that works for you personally and stick to it. There are many resources available such as that help you produce well researched papers and are handled by writing professionals. The following list gives you tips and tricks on how to become a better writer. Here are the productivity secrets of some renowned writers that we’ve put together:1. Dan BrownWhen disturbed by writer’s block, inversion therapy is his quick fix which involves hanging upside down. A special frame that help him to concentrate and relax is used for the procedure. Apart from that, an hourglass is placed on his desk and every hour, he normally stops working on his manuscripts to engage in sit-ups, stretches and pushups.2. Victor HugoThere was an imminent deadline ahead of him forThe Hunchback of Notre Dame. He ordered his valet to lock away all his clothes and was left with a gray shawl to keep him warm on cold days. Stripped of clothes, he couldn’t leave the house, so he had to stay indoors for several months and finished writing the novel. 3. Daniel SilvaWaking up very early to write and stopping around 6:30 pm is a daily routine for him. Despite the fact that his wife got him a nice work desk, he prefers sitting on the bare floor surrounded by his work. Unlike some writers that take coffee or wine to stay motivated, he drinks wine occasionally so as to remain focused. When writing, he ignores the phone or email to avoid distraction. 4. Alexandre DumasColor-coded papers were his favorite writing tools. He usually applied blue color for fiction, yellow for poetry and pink for articles whenever he was about to write. The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers were written in this manner. This technique made his work to be well organized.5. Anthony TrollopeAlthough he had a job at the post office, he wrote 250 words every fifteen minutes. He woke up as early as 5.30 am and wrote around 3000 words before heading to work. For over 33 years, he never stopped and he has 47 novels to his credit. He understood that working in small bits is an effective way to beat procrastination. 6. Herman MelvilleEvery writer needs a break from writing so as to boost productivity. For Herman, he always worked on his farm whenever he needed a break. 7. Edgar Allan PoeHis Siamese cat was both his companion and supervisor during writing. Most of the time, it was perched on his shoulder. One of his short stories, The Black Cat was inspired by his pet. 8. Charles DickensHe took along blue inks, green vase, quills, five bronze animal statues and paper knife wherever he went because it was hard for him to write without them. He preferred writing with blue ink as it dried faster than others.9. Mark TwainHe discovered that he was highly inspired and tend to be more creative when lying down. Other writers who took advantage of this style include Edith Wharton, Marcel Proust, George Orwell, Woody Allen and Truman Capote who could only write and think properly when lying down.10. MarcelProustAs a night owl, he redesigned his bedroom to his taste by shutting out sunlight with heavy drapes and using soundproofing cork. He habitually slept all day and used the night for writing. 11. Alice MunroEven though she had to take care of her three kids, giving excuses wasn’t her thing. Her debut short story collection took almost 20 years before it was completed. The Canadian writer has won several awards both locally and internationally.Hopefully these tips and stories will help cure your writers block and increase your productivity.