
12 University of Iowa Football Players Hospitalized

UPDATE [1/31/11]: USA Today reports that a total of 13 Iowa players were hospitalized, and that the cause is rhabdomyolysis, a muscle disorder that appears to be caused by the players’ grueling workouts. Five of the 13 football players have now been discharged from the hospital, and the university will be investigating the events leading to their condition.
Twelve Iowa Hawkeyes football players were taken to University of Iowa Hospitals Monday night, but the school has not released the reason why. The University of Iowa says it will not release the identities of the athletes nor the their conditions, but a statement did say that they are all recovering.
“All of the individuals are responding well to treatment as of Tuesday morning,” said a staff physician at UIHC. “All are in safe and stable condition. At this time we are not sure when any of the individuals will be discharged. Hospital discharge will be on a case by case basis.”
The team has had a tough past few months. Not only have the Hawkeyes lost three of their past four games, they’ve had one player arrested on drug charges and another player suspended for violating team rules.
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