
20 Easy Campus Life Health Tips

A college education isn’t necessarily good for your health.Between stress, deadlines, easy access to junk food, and lots of alcohol, students don’t always take care of themselves.For a healthier lifestyle, here are some simple tips to incorporate into your everyday life on campus.Don’t worry—you don’t have to do all of these—but by mixing some of these ideas into your routine, you’ll improve your health little by little.

  1. Walk or bike whenever possible. (This saves money on gas too!)
  2. Avoid eating pizza and other goodies in the middle of the night.
  3. Work in exercise by taking a physical education class.
  4. Carry around a water bottle.
  5. Eat breakfast every day, even if it’s just a piece of a fruit or a quick bowl of cereal.
  6. Make time to schedule in regular doctor and dentist appointments.
  7. Try to keep exams and other stress in perspective–the consequences of failure probably aren’t as dire as you think!
  8. As much as possible, stick to a regular sleep schedule. Remember, sleep needs to be a priority, no matter what.
  9. Carry healthy snacks in your backpack, like fruit or healthful snack bars.
  10. If you eat at a campus dining hall, limit consumption of soda. Drink lots of water, along with moderate servings of milk and juice.
  11. Keep in mind that binge drinking is as bad for your waistline as it is for the rest of your body.
  12. Don’t use exams and other stressful academic times as an excuse to pig out– at least not too much!
  13. Limit fast food consumption. It’s quick, easy, and cheap when you’re a student, but don’t overdo it.
  14. Look for healthier fast food alternatives around campus, like a snack cart that sells hummus and pita, or a sub shop that sells healthier sandwiches.
  15. Deal with stress with brisk walks or jogs.
  16. As much as possible, try to stick to regular meal times.
  17. Don’t be shy about using the campus mental health center if you need someone to talk to, or need more serious help.
  18. Get a flu shot, as college campuses are full of people in close proximity and all of their germs.
  19. If you use dorm showers, be sure to wear flip flops to protect your feet.
  20. Never cut down on calories so you can consume more alcohol.