
4 Ways to Have a Better Winter Break

Your finals are over. You’ve turned in your term papers, and you are enrolled for next semester. As you leave campus for the next few weeks, you will find that winter break can lead to laziness. So, before you plan to spend your break on the couch watching TV, read these tips on how to have a more productive and enjoyable winter break.
1. Make some cash: Find a job that will keep your stress to a minimum. Remember that you’re on break so you can unwind from that semester of cramming. Find a job babysitting, walking dogs, serving or other part-time jobs that will keep your work week short.

2. Spend time with family: Offer to take your siblings ice skating, or help Mom and Dad make supper one night. Taking at least a couple hours out of the day to reconnect with family is a great way to make up for time lost while you’ve been at school.
3. Pick up a book: Did you get a gift card to Barnes & Noble for Christmas? There’s no better time than your break to purchase a new book. If you didn’t get a gift card, go to your local library. Consider picking out a classic that you’ve always wanted to read. Whether it’s The Great Gatsby or Harry Potter, reading is proven to keep you sharp and reduces stress.
4. Get away for a while: Gather up three to five friends so you can split gas and food money. If possible, find someone you know who has a vacant lake house to avoid wasting money on a hotel. Also, a quiet lake house will provide the serenity you need before facing another stressful semester.
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