
5 Rules of Facebook Relationship Manners

Dating is hard no matter which decade you live in. As the movie “He’s Just Not That in to You” recently portrayed, the digital age seems to have made the love game even more complicated – with text messaging, Twitter, Facebook, email and the like. You never want to get caught making a relationship faux pas, and you certainly don’t want to make it where the entire world can see via social media.
This entertaining video, made by and set in the ’50s like a high school health class video, introduces five simple Facebook manners that everyone should follow to avoid embarrassing dating mishaps online.

To recap those Facebook manners:
1. Don’t change your relationship status without consulting the other person. In the “old days” it was breaking up with someone via a voice mail. Today, it’s that all-too-public relationship status. This goes for starting a relationship, too. Make sure everyone is on board with the “on” or “off” status.
2. Don’t post embarrassing photos of other people. This is one of those “do unto others” moments that just makes sense – dating or not. It’s very common these days for prospective employers, college admissions officers or even dear ‘ole mom to comb the Internet for photos of potential hires. Don’t put someone else in an unrecoverable situation.
3. Be discreet when posting on your friends’ walls. As Timmy in the video shared on Alice’s page that it was “just a regular rash,” that’s probably not information he, nor Alice, really wanted everyone to know. Remember to use the private message feature, send an email, or get real old fashioned and pick up the telephone.
4. Don’t steal friends. If you broke up and didn’t have too many mutual friends while dating, then odds are your unshared friends will probably stay that way.
5. Don’t start hate groups. While Alice’s “Timmy is a Wet Blanket” group warrants a few snickers from her and her girlfriends, this another situation where you should probably not air your dirty laundry in the public square that is Facebook. Take it up with your ex directly, or move on like a grown-up.
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