
5 Tips for Landing a Job out of College

The job market is quite dismal for recent college graduates. How can these students distinguish themselves from all of the other applicants in this very competitive job market? Keep the following tips in mind:
1. Flush out your resume. Use descriptive words in your resume. Instead of saying you interned with a company, describe your duties and how you benefited the company. Describe your volunteer and extracurricular activities in detail; these show that you are willing to go above and beyond the normal expectations.
2. Apply in person. So many people today rely on the Internet to apply for a job. But the same techniques that worked for decades in the past still work today. Apply in person, give a firm handshake, and let them know how interested you are in really working for their company.
3. Offer to work for a reduced salary for the first few months. This shows that you really want the experience and are willing to make some small sacrifices. Employers will be impressed by your motivation and willingness to work hard for your successes.
4. Keep trying. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again. Dedication and determination are two qualities that are highly valued in today’s work force. Just because you didn’t get the job this time does not mean you should write off the company forever. Give it a few months, then reapply.
5. Think outside your own box. Have a degree in journalism, but the paper’s not hiring? Consider a job in broadcast, as a teacher, working in interactive media, advertising or PR. Often times, we pigeon-hole ourselves into one career path, when the possibilities are endless. And if you open a few different doors for yourself, you’re more likely to find a job.
Nobody said getting a job after college would be easy. But if you get creative and work hard at making a good impression, employers might take a second look at your resume. And that could be the difference between job hunting and starting your new, successful career.