
5 Ways To Prepare For Final Exams

If you are anything like me, you realize that finals are right around the corner. That thought scares me. I have always envied the schools that don’t have finals for the kids that have a passing grade in the class (I believe for most schools its an A), or have less than so many days missing school. As finals approach though, there are a few things to keep in mind that I believe most students (or at least high school students) will find helpful when preparing for finals.
1. Know your stuff- Look over old tests and old quizzes to see what you don’t know or where your weakest points are. Once you know where you are weakest, you can begin by studying those things, since they are the most important. This doesn’t mean you should overlook what you already did well on. Be sure to also spend time on things you know well, a little review never hurt to make sure you know your stuff!
2. Talk to your teachers- If you have any questions concerning the final or materials, ask your teacher! That’s what your teachers are for, to answer questions you may have. So if you want to know what’s on the final (if they will tell you!) or just want some extra practice with some subjects you find rather difficult, talk to your teacher.
3. Relax the night before- Much like taking a standardized test, relaxing the night before is important. Staying up late into the night to cram last minute material will not help you. So go to bed at a decent time, do something you enjoy, and don’t freak out about the final!
4. Find somewhere to study- Somewhere where you won’t be bothered by your little brother/sister or anyone else that may be a potential distraction. If this means shutting yourself up in your room with no phone, then do that. Studying without distractions will help you go much more quickly through your review.
5. Go into the room prepared- I know this may seem like common sense, but going into your classroom with all appropriate materials is crucial. I remember taking a math final and the teacher wouldn’t loan a student, who forgot their calculator, one to use on the test. She wouldn’t let anyone give her one either. So double-check before class starts that you have everything you need, whether that’s an assignment to turn in or a calculator and pencils, make sure you have it!
Do these things and I bet finals will be much less stressful. Be confident and you will have no problem with your finals.