
5 Ways to Prepare for Spring Semester Over Winter Break

Staying organized at school can be a breeze!
Enjoying your holiday break? Clearly, there are plenty of fun things to do away from school, so preparing for Spring semester may be the furthest thing from your mind. However, there are a few simple things you can do to prepare that will make your life a little easier later.

  1. Buy Your Textbooks Now. With a little legwork and Internet access, you can purchase your textbooks for next semester much cheaper than if you buy them in the campus bookstore. Here are some ways to save money on college textbooks.
  2. Organize Your Calendar. One of the best ways to manage your time as a college student is to keep a detailed calendar of your assignment deadlines. Figure out how you’re going to set up your system now, either on paper or electronically, so that you’ll be set to get organized when the semester begins.
  3. Read Your Syllabi. Chances are pretty good that your professors have completed their syllabi for next semester, so get ahold of the syllabi early and read through them. You can stop by professors’ offices over break, or ask professors to email them to you. If the class has an online component like Web-CT, you can get ahold of the syllabus this way. This simple step can help you figure out what to expect for the upcoming semester.
  4. Make a Budget. Money is a huge concern for many college students, and if this is a worry of yours, take action by writing a detailed budget now. This won’t make you richer, but it will help you feel more in control by knowing where and when to spend your resources.
  5. Make Some New Year’s Resolutions. Now is a great time to make some realistic and specific goals for the new semester. Here are some New Year’s Resolution suggestions.