
6 Ways to Have Cheap Summer Fun

Is summer sucking the cash right out of your checking account? It’s easy to spend money we don’t have during the summer. Having all that free time from school makes it hard to just sit at home and do nothing. Plus, you want to spend money on the fun things you wanted to do but couldn’t due to your busy semester.
Not to fear. You can have your cake and eat it too with this list. Below are six money-saving ways to have the same amount of fun with less cash.
The movies: Go to a second-run theater. Ticket prices are less than half of new-release ones, and they provide the same experience. Eat dinner before, so you can skip the refreshments.
The pool: Forget those overly-priced water parks. You’ll be standing in line forever to ride your favorite slide, anyways. Make nice with the neighbors that have a swimming pool and go for a dip for free.

Concerts: Skip the big names this year, and go to a local band’s concert. Ticket prices are usually dirt cheap, and it will give you a chance to find interesting music of the non-mainstream variety.
Gas: It’s as simple as don’t drive when you don’t have to. Bike to work. Walk to get groceries. Bum rides off of your less-frugal friends when it comes time to hang out. If your city has mass transportation, use it. Bus and subway passes are always cheaper than driving your own car.
Drinks: Make your own and stay at home. Staying in to have drinks is not only a cheaper option, but it will save you from the dreaded DUI. Host a margarita night at your home. You just supply the blender. Have your friends bring the mix, liquor, chips and salsa.
Eating out: Avoid it whenever possible, but if you must, always order water. Restaurants make huge profits with soda and mixed drinks, and some places even charge for re-fills. Instead of going out, stay in, and make dinner with some of your best buds. Even better, host a cook-out in your backyard. Go to the grocery store with your friends beforehand, and split the amount.
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