
A New College in the Works at Washington State University

Washington State University is growing! The University is in the process of adding a new college that will combine career development, general education, and the Honors College.
The new program will be called the University College and is expected to be implemented next fall. The Office of Undergraduate Education would be eliminated if the University College is created.
Many college students do not declare a major immediently upon enrolling in a university. Therefore, there is a period when they are not affiliated with any college. The University College will absorb those students and provide advising and academic support to these students. Officials say that the University College will help in retention and help more students graduate on time.
The University of Oklahoma also has a University College. Several of my friends who had not declared a major upon enrollment were enrolled in University College for a semester or two.
Maryella Conlon, my roommate, said that it was one of the most educational classes she had during her freshman year because it really helped her understand the University and how it differed from high school.
University Colleges can be very advantageous to students who are not ready to declare a major. They prevent students from falling between the cracks. Hopefully, the University College at Washington State University will be very successful!
Via Seattle PI