
A Student's Guide to Email Etiquette

You may know what to say, but do you know how to say it? That’s often the mishap that college students and grads have when they’re emailing someone they want to impress.
If you’re anxious about emailing your professor or potential employer, don’t fret. Read these tips to impress and earn the respect of the recipient.
Your emails must be formal if you want to leave a good impression. Save smiley faces and phrases like “LOL” for your BFF. Contractions and abbreviations are OK for the most part, but texting lingo must never be used.
You’re a sharp, young adult, so write like one. Use proper punctuation and complete sentences. There’s no room for grammar mistakes in such emails, so read it over at least two times before you send your message.
Keep it short and straightforward. Start your email with a simple sentence like: “I’m emailing you because I’d like to discuss….” Your email needs to get to the point within the first paragraph. Sounding smart is all about being direct and clear, so don’t waste their time by sending out a long, wishy-washy message.
Gratitude shows you’re mature and well-mannered. Always end your email with a thank you. Whether it’s thanking them for the time they’ve taken to read the message or in hopes of receiving a favor, it needs to be said.
Respond swiftly to show that their correspondence is of importance. In this day and age, we expect emails to be responded to within an hour. With that said, never rush writing your email. You’ll likely have a message full of punctuation errors and sentences that don’t make sense.
Though emails are often viewed as an informal communication tool, you should not let the content of your message be devalued. When you’re writing to a professional, you should respond with a well-thought message, not a speedy and sloppy email. The recipient of your email will notice the effort you put forth, and you will likely receive equal treatment in the response that you receive.
Via Her Campus
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