
ACT Scores Reveal High School Students are Not Ready for College

Across the country, high school juniors and seniors are preparing for college. When I was in high school years ago, I was in tons of organizations, volunteered, and took more honors and AP courses than a high schooler should take. I did everything I could to build my resume for college and kept my GPA high. The next item I had to put on my college resume was my ACT score. Let’s just say my ACT score proved that I wasn’t as brilliant as I thought.
What is the ACT? The ACT is a national college admissions exam, testing students in five subject areas of English, math, reading, science, and writing. The highest an individual can score on their ACT is 36. Scoring a 36 almost guarantees admission into any university in the nation and large amounts of scholarship money. Across the country, universities request students to send college applications with an ACT and SAT score. But, in the Midwest, it is common for potential college students to send in just an ACT score.
Kansas ACT scores for 2012 are similar to the previous year, according to The Wichita Eagle. The data released Wednesday revealed students in the class of 2012 are not ready for college. About half of all US high school students scored below the average ACT score, a 21.1. High school classes of 2012 in Kansas had an ACT score average of 21.9, compared to last year’s average score of 22.
Do ACT scores actually matter? Many argue that the ACT should not be an indicator of whether someone is admitted into a university. Some students are horrible test takers. Other students may not get a high enough score on their ACT. says, don’t sweat a “bad” ACT score. “Fortunately for those who aren’t good test takers, college admissions counselors will also take into consideration your grades, admission essay, and overall application.”
Something has to be done to improve America’s ACT scores. But, what? A course change? Challenging students academically? The education system can’t allow American students to fall behind. In an article published by EDUinReview a couple of months ago, we stated, “A report found that the U.S. must grow the number of students in science, math, and related fields by 34 percent to keep up with economic demand.” With technological advances we need students who are mathematically and scientifically intelligent, or a job in the future will be bleak.
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