
Adjusting to the College Transition

Going off to college inlists many feelings in just about every incoming college freshmen. We’re scared, but excited about what lies ahead of us. How can we be better prepared? Well, as someone who has already gone through the experience, let me give you a little advice.
First, everyone is in the same boat. Everyone is moving away from home, away from parents, friends they had in high school; so, everyone is on the same playing field.
The biggest adjustment for most people is the roommate situation. Going from your own room to a small room filled with two people, and all their stuff? Yeah, its hard. The best way I found to adjust is to be completely open with your new-found best friend. Figure out what time you each go to bed, need to study, have to wake up for class, and just about everything with each others schedule. Get in touch before school. Find out who’s going to bring what for the dorm, and a little about the person so you aren’t truly going in blind.
Another huge adjustment is in the dorms. MAKE FRIENDS. Really get to know the people on your floor, start some intramural (IM) teams, get floor contests going, get to know everyone.
Classes aren’t the same as high school, you actually have to work at it, so get ready. Make sure you work hard, but don’t forget to have fun. Don’t go home every weekend, go to parties, don’t be stupid, but have fun.