
Another College Alumna Donates to Her Alma Mater

Grace Groner was a very sweet woman. Living through the Great Depression caused her to be very frugal with her limited income. She lived in a small, one-bedroom house. She never bought a car, because walking was free. She bought all of her clothes in rummage sales. Her house only had “a few plain pieces of furniture, some mismatched dishes, and an old television.”
Grace had attended Lake Forest College when she was younger, and evidently held the school close to her heart. Grace died in January 2010. A little bit later, her attorney told the president of Lake Forest College that Grace had left her inheritance to the school.
How much could a woman who could afford to wear second-hand clothes have in savings? The president of Lake Forest College was shocked to learn that Grace had $7 million.
“She could have lived in any house in Lake Forest, but she chose not to,” said William Marlatt, her attorney. “She enjoyed other people, and every friend she had was a friend for who she was. They weren’t friends for what she had.”
Those are the best types of friends to have, if you are a student who wants to study abroad. Grace’s donation is going towards a scholarship for the 1,300 students who want to study abroad. Grace first created the scholarship program when she donated $180,000 to the school. Her inheritance continues her initial scholarship. And if this wasn’t enough, Grace also left her house to the school.
Her final wish was that her home would be turned into a dormitory for women, fittingly called “Grace’s College.”
Via the LA Times.