
Appreciating Holiday Traditions

Like any other holiday, I’m sure there are many family traditions that all families observe during this holiday season. Christmas seems to be one of those seasons where families hold their traditions most dear and carry through with the traditions each year no matter what. Like last year: we did Christmas with my mom’s side of the family and we always go to my grandpa’s. Well, it had dumped A LOT of snow on Wichita and quite a bit of Kansas at that time last year and it wasn’t very safe to be driving. But my mom being herself, did not plan on breaking any traditions. So we loaded up the presents and headed out onto the treacherous streets. Somehow after seeing a few wrecks and cars sliding all over the road we made it safely.
Many traditions of this season include putting up a tree and decorating for Christmas, celebrations with family, and going special places. It’s sad for me to think from now on I will be returning home to partake in only a few of these traditions. It’s funny how each year I took putting up the tree for granted, but this year found myself devastated when my mom told us we may not have the time to put up a tree. Well, we found the time and we now have our tree sitting in our living room, lights and all!
So these traditions not only mean a lot to adults and older family members, but these traditions also mean a lot to the kids and younger ones in the family. Hold on to those traditions and continue them! Traditions truly do add a lot to the Christmas season.