
As Semester Draws to an End

I can’t believe that the first semester of my senior year is already over! It seems just yesterday I was walking down the halls saying hello to friends I hadn’t seen all summer. Now I’m immersed in finals week and trying to wrap up everything as the semester comes to a close.
Overall, I’m pretty pleased with how this semester has gone. I’ve had my share of rough patches, but what student doesn’t?! Although I did slack and my GPA will suffer some from this slacking, it will be motivation to push myself even harder my second semester. I also received so far an acceptance letter from the University of Tulsa and a rejection letter from the University of Chicago, beginning another trip down decision lane. Of course, I still have eight schools to hear from so a decision is no where near in my future.
So as first semester comes to an end and the second semester looms close in the future, I look forward to my last semster in high school, but also the things that lay ahead after high school.