
Atlanta Public Schools Have to Repay Money Won from Grants, Due to Cheating Scandal

In July 2011, it came to light that teachers and administrators in the Atlanta School District had been helping their students to cheat on national, standardized tests. Now, the school district has to pay for their crime to the tune of $363,000.
The cheating had been going on since 2001 and involved almost half of the schools in the district. There were almost 180 teachers and principals accused of being involved in the cheating scandal. Evidently these teachers went so far as to give the students the answers during the tests and even changing the answers that were wrong.
As a result of this “improvement” in grades in the notoriously troubled Atlanta School District, the U.S. Department of Education had given the schools thousands of dollars in grants. This money could have been used however the schools needed it. Now, however, the school district has to pay back $363,000 of these funds, and they only have 90-days to do so, according to John Barge, the state schools superintendent.
Via The Huffington Post
See Also:
Atlanta Schools Cheat and Alter Test Scores to Improve Public Image
Whistle-Blowing Teachers Targeted in Atlanta Test Score Scandal
Top Ways Student Cheat in School