
B.F. Skinner Education Background

Psychologist and writer, B.F. Skinner was born in 1904 to parents Grace and William Skinner in the town of Susquehanna, Pennsylvania. B.F. had a younger brother, Edward, who he died when just 16 years old of a cerebral hemorrhage.
After high school, Skinner enrolled at Hamilton College in New York, with the dream of becoming a writer. He also became a member of Lambda Chi Alpha, and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in English in 1926. He then enrolled at Harvard University and graduated in 1931 with a Ph.D, but elected to stay on as a researcher until 1936. Around this time, he married Yvonne Blue, with whom he would raise two daughters.
B.F. moved on to the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis and then spent some time at Indiana University, where he was head of the psychology department. In 1948, he returned to Harvard and remained there until his retirement in 1974.
B.F. Skinner is widely known as a psychologist, inventor, writer, social philosopher and poet. He was a prolific author, having published 21 books and over 180 articles. His book Walden Two chronicles a peaceful lifestyle of minimal consumption, happiness, and enjoying satisfying work and leisure time. Beyond Freedom and Dignity describes a fictional experimental community in the United States in the 194os, where the success and happiness of its residents surpasses that of the outside world due to conditioning and scientific planning.
B. F. Skinner died on August 18, 1990, a victim of leukemia. He is buried in Mt. Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Massachusetts.