
Backpack Essentials Every College Student Should Have

As millions of students head back to campus they all have at least one thing in common: the bag on their backs. Besides having a pen, pencil, notebook, and books in your backpack, there are a few essential items that should not be overlooked as you pack for the first day of class.

Water Bottle
Drinking water will help to wake you up, especially if you have an early morning class. Water suppresses your appetite, so drinking water during a 45 minute class will help control your hunger before it gets out of hand.

I’ve had countless days where I get a hunger attack in class. I forget about my professor’s lecture because I am focused on my growling stomach. Having a snack in your backpack will help curb your hunger and you won’t have to spend money on the expensive (and unhealthy) snacks at the student center. Make sure the snack is healthy like an apple or trail mix. And, don’t leave the snack in your backpack if it can melt.

Student ID
Student IDs are convenient because they can act as debit cards while on campus. You can deposit money into your account and use your student ID to pay for printed paper from the library, food at the student union, or even flash it for a discount around town.

Flash Drive
Carrying a flash drive instead of a laptop takes a load out of your backpack. If you are working on a project or paper at the school’s library, having a flash drive with you will help out. You can save your work then take it back home and transfer the file to your personal computer.

College professors do not supply classroom supplies like high school teachers do. If you sneeze and need a tissue you are going to have to run to the nearest bathroom to use the toilet paper. Putting tissues in your backpack will save you from a snot attack during class.

College student schedules are hectic and having something to help remind them of what they need to do for class is helpful. Writing assignments, due dates, exam and quiz dates, and even social events can ensure they’re always where they need to be.

Sometimes the weather can be unpredictable. Once the rain starts pouring you don’t want to walk around campus like a wet dog. Put a compact umbrella in your backpack to keep from getting caught in the rain when an unexpected downpour strikes.

While you are taking notes highlight the key terms your professor points out during his or her lecture. Highlighters are better than pens because it brings attention to your notes and keeps them colorful. This will make recapping your notes much simpler later on.

Pencil Lead
You don’t want to run out of pencil lead while you are in class. And, if you do not have a pen or extra pencils on you, then taking class notes will be pretty difficult. Put refillable pencil lead in your backpack so you will always have a writing utensil for class.
Whether you are a business or engineering major, all of these items belong in your backpack. Get to school supply shopping now, especially while school supplies are cheap! With a college budge every penny counts.
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