
Barack Obama Voted One of Nation's Best Presidents

Despite what the political pundits, disgruntled Democrats and enraged Republicans may say about President Barack Obama, according to 238 of the nation’s foremost scholars, he is one of the country’s best presidents – ever.
The analysis was conducted by Siena College Research Institute Poll. The scholars ranked the presidents on personal attributes such as integrity, intelligence, leadership and willingness to take risks as well as things they have little control over, like luck.
The aggregate data once again rated Franklin Delano Roosevelt as the best president ever and Obama ranked 15th. Obama earned high marks for intelligence, ability to communicate and imagination, but his score was hindered by his lack of experience and family background.
Obama’s ranking put him just two spots behind Bill Clinton and three spots ahead of Ronald Reagan.
“Most of the presidents came from elite backgrounds, and he certainly did not,” said professor Douglas Lonnstrom who helped analyze the data. “He grew up without a father.”
Other notable poll rankings were George W. Bush, who came in the last five remaining slots. Voters considered him “a dud” and only Warren Harding, who came in at 41 on the list, scored lower than “Dubya” on the intelligence factor. His dad, by contrast, George H.W. Bush, was awarded 22nd place.
And with little disagreement, Richard Nixon came in dead last in the category of integrity.
Via the NY Daily News