
Become a Superhero and Learn Math with the Numbers League

For most young kids, superheroes are cool. Math is not cool. If only math were fun and could save the city from bad guys. Well the Numbers League app for iPads has used superhero powers to make basic math problems fun and entertaining, while also teaching children basic math skills.
The Numbers League game takes place in Infinity City, a futuristic world where bad guys lurk and the only force strong enough to stop them is the Numbers League. This team of superheroes uses the sum of their powers and strengths to fight the bad guys in a way that children are sure to enjoy. Parents can also get in on the fun because Numbers League allows up to four players to play at the same time.
Numbers League has three difficulty levels: simple addition, complex addition and basic subtraction, and negative numbers and simple multiplication. The different levels make it possible for both a five-year old child and a teenager to improve their math skills while still having fun.

How does the game work? First, you create your superhero. Then, players compete against each other or against the game in attempts to capture the most villains by solving math problems during a set amount of time. The game is actually a lot of fun but also highly educational, so both parents and children are sure to love it.
Numbers League is only available for iPads and costs $4.99 for the full version. It is the first app created by Bent Castle Software, but if their future apps are anything like this one, I hope they have many more in the works.
See Also:
Digit Defenders iPhone App
Mathemagics App