
Best and Worst College Professors

Have you ever had a professor who was absolutely fantastic? Maybe it was your American history professor, who made the stories come to life by acting them out or using movies to really explain the past. Or maybe it was your chemistry teacher who sang songs about the different elements. Or maybe it was your communications teacher who helped you get over your fear of public speaking.
It doesn’t matter who it was or how they did it, but I’m sure you have had at least one professor who rocked your socks off. Wouldn’t it be awesome if every professor you had was like that? Well, if you attend the right school, this could be the case.
CBS Money Watch recently reported the colleges with the best and worst professors. The schools were ranked based on evaluations from and from reports by The Center for College Affordability and Productivity.
Many of the schools with the best professors are small, private institutions. Most are liberal arts colleges that have student bodies under 4,000 students. This results in fewer students per classroom and more student to teacher interaction.

So, without further adu, here are the top 10 colleges with the best professors:

  1. Oklahoma Wesleyan University
  2. United States Military Academy
  3. Clarke College
  4. Wellesley College
  5. North Greenville University
  6. Master’s College and Seminary
  7. Wabash College
  8. Carleton College
  9. Sewanee – The University of the South
  10. Marlboro College

The colleges with the worst professors are more diverse. They are almost evenly divided among private and public universities. The top two schools with the worst professors are both service academies. Here are the top 10 schools with the worst professors:

  1. U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
  2. U.S. Coast Guard Academy
  3. Tuskegee University
  4. Michigan Technological University
  5. New Jersey Institute of Technology
  6. Milwaukee School of Engineering
  7. Bryant University
  8. Bentley University
  9. St. Cloud State University
  10. Rensselaer Polytechnic University

Is your school on the list? Do you agree with the results?