
Best Android Apps for College

This guest post provided by Justin Sanchez, the founder of Niche Seven.
Technology is a college kid’s best friend, and now apps are making taking notes, researching and organization that much easier. Here are the best Andriod apps for college students to ease your workload with a few clicks of a button.
This one doesn’t need much explanation because most college students already know how useful Wikipedia can be. Wapedia is a fast way to search Wikipedia for information right from your phone and this app comes with a widget to make accessing Wikipedia even quicker.
Cost: Free (Ad supported)
Google Translate
Google Translate lets you instantly translate text between 50+ languages. The app takes voice input and will do text-to-speech translations on several of the more popular languages. For anyone that is taking a language course, this app is very useful in helping to understand and pronounce difficult words.
Cost: Free
This app allows you to sync files from your PC with your mobile device so you can access files on the go.
Dropbox is a service that syncs files across multiple devices. Install Dropbox on your computer and save your school files in a Dropbox folder, where it automatically syncs them across any computers or mobile devices you have setup.
Cost: Free
Evernote lets you take notes by text, voice recordings and snapshots. Everything you add is instantly synchronized to Evernote’s web app and your PC app, if installed. The snapshot notes are uploaded to Evernote and scanned by their servers to find any text within the image. Once that is complete, text in snapshot notes are then searchable for easy navigation.
Cost: Free
Share Your Board
If you professor gives notes too quickly and you often can’t keep up, ShareYourBoard is your answer. Just snap a picture of the notes on the whiteboard. The app will detect the edges of the whiteboard, correct the perspective, and improve the readability of the image so you can access the notes anytime. Share Your Board also has some built in note sharing features.
Cost: Free
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