
Best Diets for College Students

Just like with colleges, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to selecting the right diet that meet your weight loss goals. For college students, choosing a diet depends on a variety of factors including financial and practicality.
Perhaps you’ve put on the Freshman 15 or perhaps you need to start thinking about your New Year’s resolution, but no matter what your motivation for dieting, here are three of the best diets for college students.
Weight Watchers Online: This famous weight loss program has a plan for everyone, including college students. While most of the Weight Watchers programs require that you attend weekly support group meetings and have weigh-ins, the beauty about the Weight Watchers Online plan is that everything is done – you guessed it, online.
How it works
As a Weight Watchers member, you receive a set number of Weight Watchers POINTS you must follow in order to meet your weight loss goals. Foods with lesser POINT values are low in calorie and healthier for you while foods that pack a calorie punch will be assigned a higher POINTS value. No foods are off limits with Weight Watchers, giving high marks on its practicality ranking. You can log in to a secure online account and access all of the education still found in meetings. It won’t interfere with your already crammed schedule and it gives you all the tools that Weight Watchers offers such as support, recipes, menu planners and much more.
As a Weight Watchers member, you pay a monthly fee. The weight loss giant often features online coupons or discounts.

The 17-Day Diet: This super popular diet is all the rage right now. What makes the 17-Day Diet so appealing to college students is that it not only shows you serious results quickly, but it’s simple and straightforward menu plan makes it practical for college students living in dorms or in apartments. Plus, with just a 17-minute-a-day exercise commitment, what is not to love?
How it works
The 17-Day Diet is comprised of three brief 17-day cycles that will retrain the way you eat, exercise and live so that by the time you reach the fourth and final cycle you’ll be ready to follow it as the maintenance phase. If you ever feel like you’ve slipped off the healthy bandwagon and indulged in too many late-night pizzas, you can always go back and start at any of the previous three cycles to get back on track. The diet requires that you swear off of all junk food and processed food and eat a clean diet comprised of low glycemic vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fats and some grains as you work your way through the phases.
The 17-Day Diet can be purchased online for $21.50. Added products you can purchase include a meal planner and a 17-minute workout DVD. All of the 17-Day Diet products can be found on the diet’s website.
Dorm Room Diet: Created by Daphne Oz, daughter of the country’s most famous doctor, Dr. Oz, The Dorm Room Diet is designed for you. Its tailored content makes it a huge hit among college students.
How it works
Simply follow the basic principles that the Dorm Room Diet outlines for you and you’re on your way to healthy college living. No food is off-limits, but you are strongly encouraged to choose veggies over french fries, lean proteins over cheeseburgers and water over soda. Eating regularly, getting to the campus gym at least three days a week and not eating within two hours of bedtime are just of the Dorm Room Diet’s guidelines.
The cost of the book, plus shipping and handling if you’re ordering it online.
What diet are you trying this year?