
Biggest Loser Alexandra White's Healthy College Lifestyle

Last night, the season premiere of Biggest Loser aired and we were introduced to 16 new contestants ready to hand over their weight, fears, insecurities and desires for a healthier life to the hands of the experts. One of those contestants was Alexandra White.
Alexandra is a 20-year-old attending school in New York. In the first weigh-in the scales tipped to 309 pounds. And while she pushed herself harder than she had before, and lost 13 pounds that first week, her fellow contestants eliminated her.
Don’t feel too sorry for her though, Alexandra took those seven days on the ranch and turned them in to a catalyst for serious change in her life. Since going home she’s lost 70 pounds – and she’s done it by creating a healthy college lifestyle.
Hear our interview with Alexandra and continue reading to learn more about her journey.

Alexandra admits that like other college students, she was sedentary, drank, and consumed a lot of fried foods. But that’s all changed. She now manages a four-hour workout six times a week, and still has time to study and live her life. Her routine includes three hours of cardio and an hour of resistance training.
She also reached out to the food provider on her campus to obtain the calorie counts of the foods they serve. This helps her keep her daily calorie consumption in check, and helps her make the smartest choices possible.
She’s given up alcohol and she skips the greasy foods. Instead, she makes favorites like pizza herself. Her version? A slice of Ezekiel bread topped with homemade marinara, quarter-cup of cheese and a slice of turkey. That’s 150 calories and she pairs it with a green salad. Yum!
On top of all that, she’s got a new boyfriend. Alexandra revealed that she’s dating Antoine Dove, a fellow contestant, and together they enjoy being active together. They fill their free time with running and kayaking, rather than lazing around with movies and buttered popcorn!
Alexandra’s proof-positive that no matter how old you are, you can reverse your unhealthy habits and create a new life for yourself. And better time than college to make that happen!