
Boston Teens Learn How to Break-up Nicely in the World of Social Media

Falling in love is great! There are so many great moments: your first kiss, the first time you introduce him/her to your friends, the first time you meet his/her parents, and the moment when you get a Facebook notification that he/she wants you to confirm your relationship.
Sadly though, most relationships do come to an end at some time. And then come the difficult questions: Should you untag yourself from every picture of the two of you? Should you unfriend him/her? Is it okay to break up with him/her by changing your relationship status to single without telling him/her first? Welcome to the drama that is Facebook relationships.
Luckily, 200 Boston teens recently got together to discuss this sticky subject during a “healthy breakups” one-day conference that was sponsored by the Boston Public Health Commission.
“No one talks to young people about this aspect of relationships,” said one of the conference organizers, Nicole Daley. “We’re here to change that.”

The students formed small groups at the conference and discussed touchy topics, such as whether or not to change your relationship status immediately after the break-up or whether it is okay to insult your ex via your Facebook status.
“When I’m done with a relationship, I’m not going to wait a day, an hour, or even 10 minutes to update my status,” said Roberto, one of the few male participants. “When it’s over, it’s over. I’m done with you.”
After discussing these topics, the students examined videos of some celebrity couples who have broken up but remain friends, like Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz. The teens also talked about celebrities like Kanye West and Amber Rose, whose “unhealthy breakup” ended with West writing a mean song about Rose.
I think that the most beneficial part of the day was when the teens were advised to break-up with their significant others face-to-face, instead of using text messages or social media to do the deed. This suggestion had mixed reviews and was event dismissed as wishful thinking by some. However, I do hope that if you are thinking of ending a relationship in the future, you consider this method of action. It allows you to sort things out better and reach a mutual understanding, while also reducing the possibility for post-break-up angst and Facebook incidents.
Or at least that’s what I think? How about you? What’s the best way to end a relationship? Tell us about it below in the comments section!
Via The New York Times
See Also:
5 Rules of Facebook Relationships