
Brian Tracy Found his Maximum Potential Despite Being a High School Dropout

To Brian Tracy, luck is foreseeable. Those with good luck have a reason for it. “If you want more luck, take more chances. Be more active. Show up more often,” he says.
Brian Tracy was born in Canada in 1944. His early life was humble and he did not seem to have the makings for success, as he was born to a poor family and dropped out of high school. He worked as a laborer, then got a job on a tramp steamer and traveled around the world, visiting and living in many diverse countries. He eventually became a salesman, which started him on his path to success and helping others achieve success.
Tracy did not begin as a great salesperson, but worked hard and copied other good salesmen and read about their techniques. Soon he was the top salesperson in his company, and in two years went into management as vice president of the company. He eventually became the CEO of a $265 million development company.
Starting as a salesperson, Tracy later became involved in real estate, advertising, the auto industry, investments, training and consulting. He went back to school and got his MBA from the University of Alberta. He then developed his first training program that would become the book Maximum Potential (1995).
One of Tracy’s main messages is to set goals to achieve what you want. With written goals that you review periodically, you are much more focused on what you want in your life and can then achieve them. Goals must reflect a single meaningful purpose you identify in your life. According to Tracy, “Successful people tend to become more successful because they are always thinking about their successes.”
Tracy has studied for 30 years in the fields of business, economics, philosophy and psychology. With this knowledge, he has produced more than 300 learning programs and traveled to more than 80 countries delivering his message. His company, Brian Tracy International, has consulted with more than 1,000 companies to increase productivity and transform peoples’ lives.
He lives in San Diego with his wife and four children.
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