
Bullied 5th-Grader Receives Letter of Encouragement from President Obama [VIDEO]

Ziainey Stokes from West Philadelphia was tired of bullies, so she decided to bring her problem to the president. Obama makes a point of reading citizens’ letters every night, which he often mentions in speeches, such as the commencement address he gave at the University of Michigan this spring.
What Ziainey didn’t expect was a reply from the president himself, reports NBC. In the letter, the commander-in-chief thanked the fifth-grader for drawing attention to the problem of bullies. “You deserve a safe, engaging, and enjoyable classroom, and together we will strive to make this a reality,” he wrote.

“I wanted to cry, but I was in public,” said Ziainey. “So I went home and went into the bathroom and started crying because I was so happy.” Her mother admitted that she was surprised that her daughter wrote to the president, but is proud that Ziainey dealt with her problem in a non-violent way.

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