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ERP systems enable business growth. If your organization is planning to get a single point of access from the cloud to every customer, RDP is the recommended method.

The best way to use a RDP service provider is to ask your vendor about the following:
The number of concurrent connections that are allowed to the service.
The maximum amount of time that the system will continue to run.
The maximum number of users that can connect to the service concurrently.
To avoid costly outages, you’ll need to carefully plan for a high availability design when designing your application. Your application may be accessed from many sites or machines in the enterprise, so ensure that it’s built in such a way that it can support a high throughput. The amount of CPU or memory that is allocated for the RDP service varies from provider to provider. You’ll need to decide on this in conjunction with the number of concurrent connections that your system will accept. In order to find the best system, we suggest to get advice from Technology Evaluation Centers
Application Management and Monitoring
An application’s performance can be affected by a variety of factors, including its ability to communicate with RDP and, to a lesser extent, its ability to open ports and open applications. A high-end enterprise machine is the right machine for performance tests, but it’s better to evaluate your application’s performance against an accessible commodity system. In many cases, your application will be tested on a machine in the enterprise. The following sections will help you plan and configure an application’s monitoring for this purpose.
Network Analysis You will first need to understand how your application’s network connections interact with the RDP server and the VDI environment. The following sections will cover the most common connection types and the reasons for using them. The first section explains the RDP protocol’s requirements for working with RDP. The second section introduces some of the specific network traffic used for RDP. The third section covers the purpose of the VDI configuration file, which is used to configure the RDP protocol and specify the port that the VDI server listens on. After completing these sections, you will be ready to learn how to monitor connections.
In addition to specifying ports, you can also specify the port that is used as the default for RDP connections. Using this default port enables you to use the port you specify to connect to the RDP server. This is useful if you want to do everything in the server’s remote session, but you do not want to bind port 3389 to RDP. For this