
Campus Dibs Offers Deals for College Students

Most college students consider themselves to be pretty broke, between the cost of tuition, textbooks and necessary electronics. But there’s a new way to find student discounts on stuff you need, like dorm furniture, or stuff you want, like cool book bags.
If you’ve ever used Groupon or a similar daily deal site, you already know how Campus Dibs works. You sign up using a college email address to get access to the daily deal. If you’re interested in it, you purchase it. Then, tell your friends and convince them to buy in too. If enough people buy in, you all get the discount.
I can see this site being fun at big schools with a lot of team-spirit and school pride, like Ohio State University or Penn State. But at smaller schools where students tend to be more independent and less interested in the mainstream trends, this marketing strategy may be less effective. The biggest state schools all have a Campus Dibs page, there are about 430 colleges and universities represented.
Have you ever used a group discount site? What was your experience? Leave a comment and tell us what you think.
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