
Cathie Black Appointed Chancellor of New York City Schools

UPDATE [4/7/11]: Cathie Black Abruptly Resigns as NYC’s School Chancellor
Just as Cathie Black takes her new post as Chancellor of New York City Schools, two more veteran officials step down. Joel Klein’s surprise resignation and the unusual appointment of Black, who was previously the chairman of Hearst Magazines, have left the governing body of New York City schools in shock.
“I’m leaving you the best team ever assembled in K to 12 education. The eight deputy chancellors…have a depth of institutional knowledge and a range of skills that you will be able to draw on,” Klein said after announcing he will step down.
However, two of those team members are already leaving. Photeine Anagnostopoulos, deputy chancellor for finance and technology, and Elizabeth Sciabarra, who founded the Office of student enrollment, have both offered their letters of resignation.
According to the NY Daily News, Black still needs a waiver from the state Education Department before she can officially become Chancellor, because she does not have a superintendent’s license. Black’s lack of educational administration or teaching experience have lead many to doubt her abilities.
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