
Celebrate Even When You Can't Go Home for the Holidays

December is here and it’s bringing the festivities with it. Commitments at work, lack of funds, a hectic study schedule and winter weather conditions are just a handful of reasons why you might not be traveling home for the holidays. There are still a lot of ways you can celebrate the holidays, even if you’re flying solo.
Piggy-back on someone else’s holiday dinner. A lot of families would be more than happy for you to join them, just be sure you offer to help!
Hosting your own celebration is always an option. You can easily create a small get-together with other students that are stuck on campus. This would be a great time to make new friends and help others feel not-so-lonely. Take a lot of pictures and share them with your friends and family back home because they miss you as much as you miss them.

On the subject of pictures, ask your family and friends to send you tons, and video is even better! Talk your mom into having everyone say, “Happy Holidays” through the camera. You might feel cheesy asking, but I’m sure they’ll be happy to do it!
Webcams can be purchased for a reasonable price and some computers even come with them. Skype is a great way to see everyone around the table or the tree, even if you can’t be there personally.
Don’t be afraid to decorate because a little joy goes a long way. Obviously, you want to make sure you don’t offend any of your roommates, but aside from that, there’s no reason to be a Scrooge. Take a trip to the dollar store if money is an issue. Charlie Brown Christmas trees are also relatively inexpensive, and maybe your roommates will help!
Presents don’t have to be forfeited just because you’re far from home during the holidays. It could be a lot of fun to host a gift-exchange or secret santa with your friends!
There’s nothing wrong with playing down the holidays if you’re stuck at school. In fact, a break from the yearly stress may be a welcome change for you. However, if you miss the festivities, there’s no reason not to celebrate. Whether you’re on your own, with your friends or with a surrogate family, you can still go caroling, make gingerbread houses, take santa photos and volunteer at a soup kitchen. Be silly and bring back all your favorite holiday traditions. Sharing them with other students will be a diverse and enlightening experience!