
Celebrating Thanksgiving Solo Can Still be a Blast

As the holidays draw near, people are thinking of family time and lots of good food. Many college students have made or are preparing to make arrangements to head home for the holidays. Many people take for granted the option of going home for the holidays and for those that are at a school that’s a long distance from home, seeing your family for Thanksgiving might not be an option.
If you do find yourself staying on campus during the Thanksgiving holiday, don’t fret. There are plenty of ways you can celebrate Thanksgiving on your own without feeling left out. Below are some of the things you can do to have a great Thanksgiving even if you’re flying solo.

  • Volunteer: Find a shelter or community building that is serving those in need and volunteer for a few hours to help out. This will give you a chance to help those less fortunate than you. You may feel bummed that you don’t get to go home, but helping others will help you make a difference. You may also find that it’s something you want to start doing on a regular basis and meet some new friends at the same time.
  • Prepare your own meal: This option works for those that have access to a kitchen. You can buy some groceries and prepare your own Thanksgiving meal. It doesn’t have to be big or fancy, and since you’re preparing it, you only have to prepare foods you like. If you know others that will be on campus during Thanksgiving, you can invite them over and possibly create a new tradition and some great memories.
  • Take it easy: The holidays can be stressful for a lot of people. You can look on the bright side and take it completely easy this Thanksgiving. Simply buy yourself a regular meal and relax. Watch some videos and invite some friends over for games if they are sticking around for Thanksgiving, too. Look at this as more of a stress-free time you get to enjoy rather than a time that you won’t get to see family.
  • Go to bed early and shop: Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year is the day after Thanksgiving. Save up some money and hit the stores to do some Christmas shopping. Even if you don’t have a lot to buy, getting out and about can put you in the holiday spirit. Check out the circular ads and go for the best deals. Some stores open as early as 5 a.m. so getting to bed early on Thanksgiving will definitely benefit you if you plan to do some heavy duty shopping.