
Cheap Valentine's Day Date Ideas

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, you’re probably planning out the perfect date for that perfect someone. With your college budget, you may think your date options are limited.
Read these tips on how to make a magnificent evening for your significant other, while not breaking the bank.
Date-in: Order pizza and rent a movie. Make it special by cutting little hearts into the pizza, and pop in a romantic classic like Casablanca.
Breakfast and a matinee: Nothing says “I love you” like a stack of blueberry pancakes. Make them at home, in the dorm or head to the nearest diner. Save money with matinee-ticket pricing, and pick a light-hearted movie like a romantic comedy.

Ice skating: It’s a great opportunity to hold hands, and you’ll have to stay close for body warmth.
Dance class: Whether it be ballroom or swing, a dance class is a fun, relatively cheap way to spend the evening. Don’t take the class too seriously though. Remember you’re there because you want to have a good time. Feel free to giggle when you step on your partner’s feet.
Museum: Some museums are free and others have discounted-student pricing. Try to find a museum that matches up with your date’s interests.
Thrift-store shopping: Thumbing through 70s records and old paper-back novels at a thrift store gives you time to talk and get to know each other even better. Try on those hideous wedding dresses and outdated suits for the heck of it. Your stomachs will be aching from all of the laughter by the time you leave the store.
What are you planning for your sweetheart this Valentine’s Day?