
Chegg Offers More Money For Used Books

If you’re like me, you can’t help feeling downright scammed when it comes time to selling your textbooks back to the bookstore. You probably noticed that the $150 science book was only worth $20 dollars at the end of the semester. hopes to change all of that by giving you more than the campus bookstore. The online textbook rental company is offering to buy your used college textbooks through the end of May.
If you’re looking to make money beyond selling your textbooks, you may want to consider becoming a “Chegg Champion.” Chegg Champions are brand ambassadors that receive a cash commission for every student they get to send in their used books.
Champions that produce 10 or more Buyback orders will receive a backpack, and one could receive $500.
Champions can also host ‘Box It Up’ parties. You can make even more cash by packaging up your fellow students’ textbooks and mailing them to will provide the packing materials; you just have to pack ‘em up and send ‘em in.
If you’re interested in becoming a Chegg Champion check out Chegg.
Via the PR News Wire
Read also:

  • Students Save Big by Renting College Textbooks on Chegg
  • Used Textbooks vs Campus Bookstores
  • Getting Ripped Off on College Textbooks