
College Apps Are Done!

Finally, I am able to say all my college applications are completed and turned in! Now all I can do is sit back, relax, and wait to see who offers me a spot in the class of 2013. I will be hearing in a few days from one of my schools, another on February 1, but all the others I will not here from until sometime in April. This wait for many can be extremely hard.
I, although would like to know, am not going to be worried about which colleges decide I am a best fit until the day comes when I am supposed to find out from all my schools. My college advisor has told me multiple times, as have other students who are now freshmen in college, to not worry. Why worry, because worrying won’t get you into the schools. Let the schools review the applications and let them decide while you try to push your application out of your mind until you hear a decision. If you are in the same spot as I am, which I hope a lot of seniors are at this time, don’t worry! Let the colleges decide and allow yourself to attempt to push the apps out of your mind for some time.
Sit back and relax if you have finished your apps! No point in worrying because its no longer in your hands. Just hope for your best.