
College Football's BCS Under Attack by Congressmen

It is a rare thing to watch a sport come under attack; at least it used to be. Recently, the United States Congress has become decidedly interested in the sport of college football, and I don’t mean of a particular team either. Instead, Congress is looking at the legitimacy of the Bowl Championship Series.
The argument made by Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah and Rep. Joe Barton of Texas states that the BCS goes against everything our country stands for and is a biased method of deciding the two best college football teams.
These congressmen fervently believe the BCS is an inadequate method of deciding the teams to play in the national championship game. The Texas Representative has already introduced specific legislation that would forbid the Bowl Championship Series from holding a national championship game if the participating teams were not decided upon using a playoff system. If Rep. Barton has his way, college football would place less emphasis on the importance of early games and focus on the finish of a particular team.
I agree a playoff system would be an impartial way of determining a clear-cut first and second place team, but why stop there? Should Congress spend several million dollars of taxpayer money in order to develop an adequate means of coordinating every team’s schedule on a level-playing field? If the BCS determines their two best teams through a playoff series, what incentive does a team have to play the bigger, tougher schools? Instituting a playoff system would both better and detract from college football. As for now, Congress should worry about more important things and leave college football to those who actually know the sport.