
'College Is Yours 2.0' Offers More Great Advice

College admissions is a shifting landscape: from the tests you need to take to the ways you apply. That’s why we’re delighted that an updated edition of our favorite college guide, College Is Yours, is now available.
College Is Yours 2.0 is written by Ph.D. Patrick O’Connor, a college counselor and past president of the National Association for College Admission Counseling. He lays out a plan to help students stress less over the application process, while still reaching for their highest aspirations. The book also offers advice on how to highlight high school achievements, fund your education and tips for parents.
The new edition is not only updated to reflect recent changes in the process of applying to college, but also includes nearly twice as many chapters. Don’t worry, College Is Yours 2.0 won’t add to your workload. It’s written like a good admissions essay: easy to read, on topic and in 600 words or less.
“Some information about testing was out of date, since nearly every college now accepts the SAT and the ACT, and I went into much more detail about what to keep in mind when applying online,” explains O’Connor. “There’s also significantly more coverage on writing essays, applying for financial aid, and how to make sure you make it through senior year in a healthy state of mind, ready to make the most out of high school.”
Those 600-page college guides can offer details about individual schools and school rankings can share another type of data, however College Is Yours 2.0 gives students a way to approach all this information. “College is Yours 2.0 talks about what should you think about, how you need to see college and yourself in order to make a good college choice for you, and how to avoid the college mania that turns such a great part of your life into a nightmare,” says O”Connor. “The book wants you to listen to the voice within, since colleges want to know all about that voice. Hearing that voice is key to a good college decision.”

Pick up a copy of College Is Yours 2.0 here!