
College is Yours, in 600 Words or Less is a Fresh College Guide

UPDATE [10/18/2011]: An updated edition of College Is Yours by Patrick O’Connor is now available under the title College Is Yours 2.0.
Applying to college can seem like such a daunting and overwhelming task that many students don’t fully consider which school is really right for them. Students often obsess over getting into the “top school,” without finding out if that university or college has an academic and social environment that will suit them. College is Yours, in 600 Words or Less by Patrick O’Connor is the college guide that will help students find the college where they will actually be happy.
College is Yours is a quick read and to the point. It doesn’t throw around a lot of buzz words that make your eyes glaze over. Don’t begin by looking at the college with the most famous graduates or best ranking it advises. Instead, the book asks the student to consider what he or she really wants. This isn’t a book that’s just about how to get into college, it’s a book about how to get into the right college.
The book also includes tips for parents and advice on how to get the most help from your school’s college counselor. O’Connor has been a teacher and counselor for more than 25 years, and is a past president of the National Association for College Admission Counseling. And just to remind you that the author really knows where you’re coming from, he’s written each chapter in 600 words or less, the length of most college essays.