
College Students Face Time for Stealing Giraffe Head

Image via The Grand Rapids Press
What started as a prank is turning serious as five Calvin College students may face five years in prison for vandalizing a fiberglass giraffe statue. The students beheaded the roadside animal, which once stood as a landmark along I-196 in Grandville, MI. The five young men who took the animal back to their residence have been cooperative with authorities, reports The Grand Rapids Press.
“It was a college prank and destined to become a dorm room mascot,” Detective Andrew Measell, of the Grandville Police Department, said. “They apparently realized it became unwieldy to take anywhere.
The suspects, who were not available for comment, were arraigned in Grandville District Court on charges of larceny over $1,000. “I’d like the vandals to understand that it is wrong to take what does not belong to them,” said Steve Disselkoen, a vice president of Grand Rapids Outdoor Advertising, who purchased the animal to accompany a billboard. He also commented that the prank was quite dangerous, due to the proximity of power lines.
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