
College Students Get Fit with the Dorm Room Diet

Want to make it through college with a stellar GPA and a stellar bod? The Dorm Room Diet is your saving grace to avoiding all of the waistline saboteurs that are par for the course on college campuses. Heavy dorm food, late-night pizza runs, beer by the pitcher — after a few weeks, this diet adds up on your body and your health, but luckily Daphne Oz, mastermind behind the Dorm Diet shows you to stay slim and fit in college in 8 simple steps. Oz, who comes from a family of medical gurus (dad is Dr. Mehmet Oz), went against the grain during her first year of college by dropping 10 pounds rather than gaining the inevitable Freshman 15. She therefore has some important first-hand experience about staying healthy in college that you might want to listen to.
Dorm Room Diet has you examine your family eating habits in order to figure out what kind of an eating style you have. From there, you learn to navigate around your college cafeteria and select the most nutritious and healthy meals and snacks. You’ll also learn how to avoid the emotional eating trap, how to take advantage of your college’s exercise facilities (your tuition is paying for it so why not hit the treadmill?), and how to take the proper supplements. Oz also offers countless tips for coping with the stresses of higher academia in a healthy and effective way.
Written by a student for students, the Dorm Room Diet is a perfect accompaniment to the stacks of biology, psychology and Spanish books that adorn your dorm room. Just make sure you read this one.
Review by Heather Ashare