
College Students Tweet More than Other Internet Users

A survey from Pew Internet & American Life Project announced eight percent of American adults who use the internet are on Twitter, but the number is much higher among college students. Eighteen percent of college students who go online (which we may be able to assume is the vast majority), are twitter users. This includes both full-time and part-time college students.
Pew is a nonprofit organization that aims to study how internet usage affects modern life. The extensive study of Twitter use was released on Thursday. Over 2,257 people were surveyed for the project. The percentage of college users was not included in the survey, but Aaron Smith pulled the figure at the special request of The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Twitter usage is also unsurprisingly higher-than-average among young adults and people who live in urban areas. Black and Hispanic internet users are also, on average, more likely to use Twitter than white internet users.
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