
Colleges Reaching Students Through Every Social Media Angle

The Team at YourCampus360 are New York City-based experts in higher education marketing technology. The company leads the industry in creating virtual experiences that connect schools with prospective students across all of the most popular platforms: EDU websites, mobile devices, Facebook, YouTube, and more.
Higher education institutions have always been trailblazers of interactivity in marketing. In fact – yes, it’s true – colleges and universities adopted social media (Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter) into their existing marketing plans at an even faster rate than most traditional Fortune 500 and Inc. 500 companies. Marketing to teens, theirs is a perpetually changing landscape. So what’s new on the scene?
It should come as no surprise that these places of learning are filled with great learners, researching, testing and adapting as each new generation’s needs and expectations change. With so many college-bound high school students researching colleges online, from their laptop, their iPad, their smartphone, schools are learning to meet prospective students where they tend to spend most of their time, and integrate this message across platforms. Interactive maps, virtual campus tours, high quality video, and mobile and Facebook applications have become the new hot higher education marketing tools.
But it’s also easy to get too bogged down in the details: whether Android is beating Apple this week; whether teens care about Twitter; which gadgets are giving students online access in a newer, sleeker skin. It’s not that the details are disposable…it’s just that they’re more malleable than you might think.

Colleges who are looking to increase leads by marketing through a .EDU website, social media, and mobile are covering their bases. By adopting new technologies into their plans, they are able to create a consistent message to more prospective applicants, and reach leads through more channels than ever before. They are also giving students, families, and counselors unlimited access to their school. Literally, a university can be in a prospective student’s pocket today. But whether it’s a student’s iPhone or a desktop computer in a private high school, it’s the technology itself and the universal message set by each school that will ultimately speak to students in the ever-changing language we are all learning.