
Columbia Professor Accused of Incest

A favored 46-year-old Columbia University professor is accused of having a disturbing sexual relationship with his 24-year-old daughter.
On Thursday, David Epstein, a political science instructor at Columbia, was charged with one count of third-degree incest.
The alleged bedding is said to have lasted three years and ended sometime last year. The victim was 18 when the relationship began in 2006. Police reported that the relationship seems to be consensual.
Matthew Galluzzo, Epstein’s defense lawyer, said it is important that the community remembers that he is innocent until proven guilty. He also said that Epstein is no longer in custody, and the date of his trial hasn’t been set.

“David is a respected member of the Columbia University and national academic communities, and we think he deserves privacy and respect while the investigators are investigating,” Galluzzo said. “We ask that everyone remember that he is innocent until proven otherwise and that these allegations are nothing more than allegations.”
If convicted, Epstein could spend up to four years in prison.
Epstein is currently on administrative leave. In addition to Columbia, he has also taught at Harvard University and Stanford University. He is married to a professor at the university, also a political science instructor, but his Facebook status is currently listed as single.
Via The Columbia Spectator