
Commencement Speakers Encourage Class of 2010 to Be the Change They Wish to See

After reading recaps and reports of commencement speech after commencement speech, what seems to be a trend this year was the blunt advice of the notable leaders who are encouraging the graduating class to “be the change [they] wish to see in the world,” which was first made famous by Gandhi.
They were telling students to put their money (or their actions in most cases) where their mouth was by encouraging students who said that they would like America to offer better housing options for more reasonable prices to become construction contractors and work to build those efforts, literally.
Speakers were also advocating for graduates to realize that if they want cheaper products, but improved working conditions for employees, new procedures were going to need to be created by human resource personnel and they’ll need engineers to keep researching alternative production.
They want students, who are advocating for more affordable services and products for the masses, to figure out better, more efficient ways of production and improved means of getting those products from the factories to the consumers and with a lower cost.
They want graduates to also realize that America has come a long way from the industrial age, and that new technology has progressed our nation into a state of high expectations but low initiative. Comparing that by the end of the 20th century, more Americans had Internet access than those at the beginning of the century who were connected to a sewage line or had running water.
So as graduates embark on their careers, the speakers remind them that the power is within them, and that they don’t need big business or government agencies to assist them in achieving their dreams.
After all, the Wright brothers were the ones to give this country the wings to soar, not the Federal Aviation Administration.