
Coping with College Transition Stress

Every major change in your life is a stressor and requires adjustment, even the positive events. Transitioning from high school to college is an exciting time in your life. Whether you are going across town or across the country, there is a transition to living in a new place.

  • The adjustment will go more smoothly if you give yourself time to join your new community.
  • Give yourself a month or so before visiting home.
  • Keep in contact with people from home who will support you.
  • Don’t forget to participate in your new environment.

Some of the other ways you can embrace the new lifestyle include:

  • Participating in group activities like intramural sports, clubs or organizations.
  • Get an on-campus job that interests you, allows you to meet new people, and gain an advantageous knowledge of the school.
  • Embrace the new you and don’t be afraid to try things far beyond your comfort zone.
  • Live a healthy lifestyle and avoid the freshman 15.
  • Try to create a positive living situation with your roommate.

Learn more about how to cope with stress of the high school to college transition.
Co-author Brooke Randolph, LMHC