
CosmoLearning Teaches Students Online

When I do not understand something that I should have learned in class, my first step is to hop online and hit up Google or Wikipedia. Sometimes I do not find what I am looking for and am forced to do my research in tangible media forms likes books and newspapers. But now, a new website,, has made my search for knowledge a lot easier.
CosmoLearning is a free educational website for students and teachers and offers educational materials in 37 courses. These courses range from anthropology to French to religion to music and sports. Basically, anything you need or want to learn, you can find on this site. CosmoLearning offers video lectures, documentaries, quizzes, and lecture notes that have been uploaded from professors and experts from across the world. Some of the contributors include Cornell University, MathTV, Nike, INC., and Yale University.
While on CosmoLearning, you can study for the SAT or learn how to give professional manicures. The possibilities are endless once you enroll. And enrolling is easy: All you have to do is fill out a form. Best of all, it’s completely free!
You cannot earn a degree from CosmoLearning, but it is a great way to supplement your classroom learning, or to learn about something completely unrelated to your classroom learning. Make sure to check it out sometime soon.