
Dealing With College Application Rejection

Through April 1 is the most anticipated times of the college application process. While it may be the most anticipated part of the college application process, it can also be the hardest. Dealing with rejection can be a very difficult thing to go through, especially if you get rejected from one of your top choices.
For me, it was inevitable to be rejected from a fair share of my schools because of the fact that I applied to so many. I wasn’t expecting to get into every single one of my colleges, and I think having that expectation is ignorant when you apply to a higher number of colleges. It is hard to balance time evenly between all your schools and make sure everything is perfect for each school. And some schools, after they have reviewed all your application materials, just feel you wouldn’t be the strongest fit, or their school just isn’t the place for you.
So if you get a small envelope from a college that includes a letter that begins with “We regret to inform you…” or “After careful consideration of your application…”, don’t let it get you down! There are so many options out there and letting one college affect your overall decision can lead to some problems when you finally choose. Do what I’m going to do with my rejection letters, burn them! Or rip them up, or whatever makes you feel better about them and bounce right back to look at the schools to which you have been accepted!