
Denzel Washington Helps Students Pursue Their Education

Denzel Washington is one of the most famous actors of our time. He has won two Oscars: Best Actor in a Leading Role for “Training Day,” and Best Actor in a Supporting Role for “Glory.” He has won more than 50 awards for his acting abilities and has been nominated for 48 more.
However, there is more to Washington than his amazing acting skills. For 18 years, Washington has been a national spokesman for an organization that is very near and dear to his heart: the Boys & Girls Clubs of America.
Washington first became involved with the Boys & Girls Clubs of America when he was a child.
“The club staff motivated us to dream big and take our education seriously,” he said. “Kids today need that … more than ever.”
This is why Washington is helping to launch a new program called Be Great: Graduate. This program will help identify kids who might drop out of school and then help them stay focused on their studies until graduation.
“Our goal is simple to state but hard to achieve,” Washington said. “We want to help every Boys & Girls Club member advance to the next grade level every year and graduate from high school on time, prepared with the attitude, knowledge and confidence to succeed and achieve.”
According to a recent study, around 33 percent of students do not graduate from high school. For Latino and black boys, this rate skyrockets to almost 50 percent.
Roxanne Spillett, the president of the Boys & Girls Clubs of America feels this new program will really help convince students to not give up on their education. She said that many of the youth who participate in the Boys & Girls Clubs of America “have the least and need the most to achieve a great future.”
This is a great effort on behalf of the Boys & Girls Clubs of America and Denzel Washington to help this and future generations receive the educations they will need in the future. What an amazing goal!