
DePaul University Students Occupy President's Office in Protest Against Tuition Increases

You’ve heard of Occupy Wall Street, but have you heard of Occupy Rev. Holtschneider’s Office? Well, if you are a student at DePaul University, you might have, but if not, you are about to learn all about it.
Last Thursday night, around 20 students occupied the office of their school’s president, Rev. Dennis H. Holtschneider, in order to show their displeasure about the proposed tuition increase the school is facing. For the 2012-2013 school year, DePaul University has proposed increasing tuition by 2.2 percent for the entire student body, and incoming freshmen will be charged 5 percent more than this year’s freshmen.
The students who are against this proposed tuition increase staged their occupy movement in order to ask the school to postpone voting on this issue until after a public forum could be held on the subject.

“Student debt is the largest debt bubble in the nation,” the Occupy DePaul group wrote on its Facebook page. “We refuse to serve the interests of the 1% as we get buried under ever increasing fees.”
DePaul University is planning to use the funds raised by the tuition increase to provide institutional financial aid. The increase would lead to an addition $168 million in income for the school, which could then be used to help the school “further its mission of providing education to students of modest financial means.”